Thursday, May 12, 2011

Things a man doesn't understand....

Yesterday I told Ryan that my back hurt so bad that the aches went all the way through the front of my chest.

He laughed. And teased me quite a bit about my "pouty-face".

I wasn't nice towards him for about 2 hours.

I am sometimes looking for specific reactions from Ryan. When I am complaining about looking freaking awful and fat, I really want him to make fun of my little rants because I KNOW I am acting ridiculous and I want him treat me as such. I cannot get him to do this. He tries to reassure me and say kind things and although this is super nice and cute, it isn't what makes me feel better. A little teasing would work a lot better!

And when I am feeling really hurt (physically) I want someone to empathize and sympathize! Ryan asked me last night, "What do you want me to say?" I replied, "I want you to say you're sorry that my back hurts!" Guess what he said? "But I'm not apologizing for anything that I did." I know that! I understand that he didn't do anything to make my back hurt (besides impregnating me!) but I still want someone to feel sorry that I am hurt. And then I want him to give me a back rub.

Somehow, his reactions to these two situations need to be swapped. Where is the button that lets me do that???


Anonymous said...

I love to read your posts they make me laugh:)!! You're so honest... Ryan is 1/2 the reason your pregnant, so he'd better rub your back when it hurts:)

Sarah said...

haha for real.