Monday, January 31, 2011

30 Day Challenge

So I was struggling with new ideas for blogging and I came across this 30 day challenge. I will probably not be able to blog each day, but I am definitely going to do these in order and have a little fun. Feel free to join me!

The 30 day blog challenge.
Day 01 — Your favorite song
Day 02 — Your favorite movie
Day 03 — Your favorite television program
Day 04 — Your favorite book
Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Day 06 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 07 — A photo that makes you happy
Day 08 — A photo that makes you angry/sad
Day 09 — A photo you took
Day 10 — A photo of you taken over ten years ago
Day 11 — A photo of you taken recently
Day 12 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 13 — A fictional book
Day 14 — A non-fictional book
Day 15 — A fanfic
Day 16 — A song that makes you cry (or nearly)
Day 17 — An art piece (painting, drawing, sculpture, etc.)
Day 18 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 19 — A talent of yours
Day 20 — A hobby of yours
Day 21 — A recipe
Day 22 — A website
Day 23 — A YouTube video
Day 24 — Whatever tickles your fancy
Day 25 — Your day, in great detail
Day 26 — Your week, in great detail
Day 27 — This month, in great detail
Day 28 — This year, in great detail
Day 29 — Hopes, dreams and plans for the next 365 days
Day 30 — Whatever tickles your fancy

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ryan "ruined" his truck

I am coming home on my lunch break yesterday and I see Ryan and his brother Andy walking around the corner and into our house. Andy's truck is parked out front but Ryan's truck is no where to be seen. This was kinda odd, but I didn't pay it any mind. When I get into the house I am met by a very upset Ryan. The rest can best be told by screenplay form:

*Abridged Verson*
(Ryan is storming around the house, throwing things, slamming doors and the whole nine yards. Enter awesome wife, Carolyn)
Carolyn (timidly): What happened?
(front door slams as he exits house)
(Bro Andy peeks around kitchen corner.)
Carolyn: What happened to his truck?
Andy: We were driving out through this snow covered field with chains on his truck tires and we drove into an uncovered man-hole. It ripped his truck up.
(Enter Ryan, angry)
(Carolyn mentally assumes that "ruined" means really ruined and is calculating damages around $15,000. Ryan grabs a burnt hot dog roll and starts to chew, angrily. Throws half eaten hot dog roll on kitchen floor)
Ryan: *BLEEEP* (edited for readers.)
(Ryan storms out of house, again, slamming Christmas wreath in the door. Second casualty of the day...Ryan stomps back into the house.)
Ryan: **BLEEEP** It is going to cost at least $2000 to fix!
(Carolyn, prepared for the worst is pleasantly surprised. In this case "ruined" didn't really mean totally ruined. Bueno.)
Carolyn: Did you call our insurance? They will probably pay for something like this.
Ryan (much less anger. Hesitatingly hopeful.): Really? They will pay for something like this? Won't our rates go up? Or wait, I thought they would drop us from our policy...I don't want to get dropped.
Carolyn: This is why we have insurance. They are suppose to pay for stuff like this. We only get dropped if we are driving while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
(Carolyn searches the house for auto insurance packet. Can't find it. Finally finds renter's insurance packet and calls that number. They direct us to an insurance agent and we are assigned a claim number and an insurance adjuster. They will be sending an agent to look at the damage within the next couple of days. We will only need to pay our deductible (which is low since no one else was involved and we weren't technically "at fault" for removing the cover to the city's sewer drain and then driving through the hole.) and they will cover the rest. Bless them.)

So it was a pretty great lunch break. Palmer's tire sent a recovery vehicle to get the truck out of the field (It is completely undrivable. Front end is literally ripped up.) but the snow was a little deep so they had to get a bigger vehicle this morning and pull/drag it out. It is pretty dangerous that they don't have locks on those drain covers. These holes are about 3' by 4' wide and 12' deep and if a kid fell into one, you would never find them. SCARY! Or, if the guys would have been adventuring out in the field on a four-wheeler instead of a truck they probably would have been hospitalized or even dead. I am just grateful that everything turned out okay. And that ruined didn't really mean "ruined".
So here are 2 pictures of the truck. The first is of all the broken pieces up underneath his truck and the 2nd one you can kinda see how the front tire is jacked all back and leaning on a diaganal. I also added a picture of the hole:)

Monday, January 10, 2011

2011 vs. 2010

So today Ryan stopped by to tell me that his little brother Josh is having his mission farewell on the weekend of our anniversary. As we get bird-walking with the conversation, I decide to look up future anniversary dates to see when President's Day will coincide with our anniversay weekend and we will get an extra day off work. So it turns out that in 2015 we will get this extraordinary experience:). I say to Ryan, "Well that is cool because that will be our five-year anniversary and we can plan something big for our longer weekend." To this he gets kind of quizzical look on his face and says, "That will only be four years though." For the next 15 seconds I tried to explain that 2015-2010=5 years. Turns out he thought that we got married in 2011. February of 2011. Did I mention that Ryan sometimes time-travels in his mind and leaves his body behind with me?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Nose Surgery

So I have been toying around with the idea of getting surgery on my nose for quite awhile now. I have always had trouble breathing through my nose (it felt like I was breathing through a very small straw) and my tonsils were constantly irritated. I would just wake up every single morning with the worst sore throat and it was killing me! So I went to the ear, throat and nose doctor at the UBMC, Dr. Catten, and he told me that he would recommend a nose surgery called an ITR where they smash these little hotdog rods in your nose and it usually helps people breath better. Kinda just gives them more room in the nasal canal. He also said that while he was up there that he would check to see if I had a deviated septum and if I did, he would fix that too. As an added bonus I could have my tonsils out while I was there. Awesome. I signed up for everything. I was scheduled to have my surgery on Monday the 27th. Good to go.
So I am piddling my time away at this point because the UBATC has a wonderful, super-long Christmas holiday break. I am starting to look up information on my surgeries and I discover that for an adult to get their tonsils out, recovery time can be anywhere from 4-6 weeks! I didn't have that kind of time! I had to be back to work after New Year's! I quickly called the hospital and cancelled getting my tonsils out and boy am I sure glad I did!
So on Monday we go to the hospital at noon. Ryan had given me a blessing before we left and I was feeling really good at this point. I hadn't eaten or drank anything since midnight and I was really looking forward to getting done so I could get home and have some tasty food:) The hospital waiting room was a joke. The doctor's were completely backed up. Get this-my appointment was for noon right? Guess what time they got to me? 3 o'clock! And then I had to do all this stuff like take a pregnancy test and get going on my i.v. before they could start. Oh....and my doctor had to do a small surgery on a toddler that had shoved a honey roasted peanut up her nose. Ha ha! So anyway-they finally get started at about 4:30 and I came out of the recovery room at about 6. Dr. Catten had done the ITR and had found that I definitely did have a deviated septum (probably from breaking my nose when I was little) so I had my little double dose. Surpisingly my nose did not hurt. They made me stay at the hospital until I could drink some water, eat some jello, and stop throwing up. Blood really upsets your stomach:) Oh, and they wanted me to take a pain pill.
So after forever I do these things. I get all gathered up and we go home. Somewhere in all of this Ryan snaps my picture on his phone. I didn't like that but there wasn't much that I could do. I will not be sharing that little gem with you. It is disguisting.
So for the next few nights I had to sleep in our recliner so that I wouldn't get as much drainage into my tummy. I was totally befuddled because my throat was really sore and my nose was running constantly. And not even surgery runny. After a little bit Ryan tells me that he had a sore throat and a runny nose, so I must be sick too. That wasn't fun, but I survived.
So now we come to the end of this huge post! A few funny things happened after that: I took one of my pain pills on the 2nd day right before I had to do some ladies' hair. That was an adventure! My father-in-law was totally convinced that my nose was really swollen when he saw me on thursday. Turns out it wasn't. Just the normal size of my nose. That was pretty darn funny! My five year old niece Karlee was really concerned for me. She is such a doll! She kept asking me if I was better and if my nose still hurt. She also asked me if it hurt to sneeze (which I had done quite a bit because I was sick) and I thought, "Finally! Someone that understands and gives a bit of sympathy!" So stinking cute:) And that is about it. I can feel the stitches in both sides of my nose and they are so irritating! I just want to pull them out! Argh.....but alas I will not.
So that is it. In a week or so when everything is all healed up I should be able to breathe really well. I can already tell that is a ton better than what I use to have! Woot!