Wednesday, March 2, 2011

30 Day Challenge-Whatever Tickles Your Fancy

So....I had two things that I was thinking about this morning.

1-I have lost my debit card. I have searched my purse twice, my car once, all of my jeans, jackets and coat pockets and still I have found nothing. Ryan has searched his truck, my car and his wallet and still no luck. It is quite distressing. I shall be cancelling it this afternoon. If someone has it-you better get your purchases in before then!

2-Back in high school everyone got caught up with this idea that if you didn't ask someone to a school dance, you must be boycotting. Once accused of boycotting, there could be no redemption. Making sense thus far? Good. So here is my experience with boycotting:

It just so happened that for 2 years during my high school experience I had an out of town horse competition over a girls choice dance. Ergo, I did not ask someone to the dance as I would not be there myself. Because of this, I was labeled as a girl that boycotted the dances. Do you know what happens to girls that boycott dances? It becomes guy code that said girl must not be asked to future dances. This didn't last all year, but both years that I went to my out of town horse competition, I then got to sit home for the next couple boys' choice dances because I was being punished. I remember that these were very sad, lonely nights.

Jerks. I hope that it made them feel better to hurt my feelings for something that I didn't do.

And I'm glad I got that off my chest. I don't know why I was thinking about it this morning, but I was:)

And I'm glad that I married Ryan:) I'm such a lucky girl!

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